We have not yet found out if Laurent Clerc loved beer. But the did love Beers or his grandchild, Henry Augustin Beers. Henry was the eldest son of Elizabeth Clerc Beers, my great, great, great grandmother. Elizabeth's son is pictured here with his grandfather and his sister, Charlotte.

Henry Augustin Beers (1847–1926) was an author, literary historian, poet, and professor at Yale University. But in order to have such academic prowess, Henry had to get started on his studies early. That is why his grandfather, Laurent, always an educator gave him a Pictorial Tract Primer around his 4th birthday. Apparently, it was common at the time for young minds to get honed by this primer.

This 180 page beauty helped the young Henry focus on the important topics of the day with a dose of Christianity wrapped in the pages. Laurent wished to acknowledge his gift to Henry on the inside of the cover on August 30, 1851.

I personally love his beautiful script.