The plan and simple truth is that we love Laurent Clerc. We are trying to create an entity that will promote his legacy through, well forever.
We are organizing many Laurent Clerc related activities to raise his profile.
And it all came out of our first plant to advocate for a Laurent Clerc Commemorative Stamp with the United States Postal Service.
So if you wish to be involved drop us a line at
Oh, it will take some cash to make it all happen. Perhaps one of our fundraisers with appeal to you. Thank you. Laurent
Laurent and Eliza Clerc Garden Fund
We felt that Laurent and Eliza deserved a beautified grave site in light of their contribution to Deaf Culture and the Deaf in America.
At the Spring Grove Cemetery in Hartford, CT, enthusiastic members of the Connecticut Deaf community and Clerc family members cleaned up Laurent and Eliza's grave site in late 2021. In 2022 we installed a perennial flower garden for Laurent and Eliza.
We are excited about the spring of 2023 and the garden fulfilling its potential over the coming years. But it will require much maintenance! Thank you for considering this worthy cause and donating to our ongoing maintenance effort. Every dollar will go directly into the ground!
Flat Laurent Around the World
Our project involves encouraging museums, schools and Deaf clubs across America and the World to purchase or host these detailed foam-backed cutouts of Laurent Clerc. On our journey we hope to support the further advancement of Deaf Education, Deaf History and Deaf Culture. We are collecting funds to help those places that may not be able to afford one of our Flat Laurent figures. All donations here will go specifically for the manufacture and mailing of Flat Laurent to these important destinations.
Société Laurent Clerc

We wish to honor and raise Laurent Clerc's profile in order to get him a USPS Commemorative Stamp. Along the way, we wish to create an organization that will support his legacy in perpetuity. On this journey, we hope to support the further advancement of Deaf Education, Deaf History and Deaf Culture. Please consider making a donation to our organization and/or becoming involved. And not that all funds collected will be100% used on programs to promote Laurent Clerc and his legacy.